Ericka Lesley's initiatives promote fairness, inclusion, and underserved representation to strengthen our communities.

Explore Our Vision of Advocacy

Representation for the Underserved

In a community as diverse as Santa Monica, representation matters. I believe in giving voice to the voiceless and ensuring that all residents, regardless of background or circumstance, have a seat at the table. My commitment to representation extends beyond mere words—I actively work to ensure that the needed resources are directed towards those who need them most.

Whether you're a renter struggling to make ends meet or a member of a marginalized community, I'm here to advocate for you. Elevate your voice. Contact me today to ensure your needs are heard and addressed.

Contact Me

Paid for by Ericka Lesley for City Council FPPC #1467165
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Let's Connect

Have questions or want to learn more about how I can serve our community better? I'm here to help. Reach out to me today, and let's start a conversation. Your voice matters.